Saturday, June 19, 2010

Black Hills

We arrived in the Black Hills on Wednesday, 16 June and checked in to the RV park.  Then we went exploring and had a picnic next to the Mickelson Bicycle Trail south of Lead.

On Thursday we arose early and headed for Mt Rushmore arriving at 9:00 AM just ahead of the hordes.

We walked the Presidential Trail and captured many great images of the sculpures.

We left Rushmore and headed to Sylvan Lake and the Needles.

Then we worked our way toward Custer State Park for a look at some Bison.  The Bison were at the north end of the park and not near the road so we continued our way south.  We did manage to capture images of a few Pronghorn before leaving the park and got some good Bison shots in Wind Caves National Park.

Then we continued to Hot Springs for a visit to their Mammoth Site.  Most of the Mammoth bones are still where they found them in an ancient mud pit (sink hole) where the Mammoths fell to their death trying to get at the grass at the edge of the pit.

On our way home we drove through the outback of Wind Caves National Park and captured some good images of Pronghorn and then some Bison when we got back into Custer State Park.

We were happy to get back to the Winnebago after a marathon touring session.

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