Sunday, August 22, 2010

St Croix State Park

On Tuesday we packed up the Winnebago and headed for St Croix State Park.  Old friends from Iowa, Neil and Leah Boyd, joined us for our time in the park.  We rode our bikes to Clayton Lake for a picnic, toured the park and visited the Northwest Fur Company post in Pine City.

Leah and Mary on Bike Trail

Neil on Bike Trail

Jack at CCC Camp Site

Picnic in Shelter at Clayton Lake

Kettle River Rapids

Thursday we drove to Pine City to visit the Northwest Fur Company a recreated wintering site on the Snake River.  This site has been recreated to resemble the site as it was in 1804.

Longhouse at the NWC Site

Bee on a Thistle

Baking Bannock Bread

Winnowing Wild Rice

Neil Modeling Hat

Neil & Leah at Wigwam

We left the park on Friday morning in the rain and moved home to Faribault, MN for a few days.

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